Sunday, October 09, 2005

Neither Shall I Eat at the BK

Last night I stayed up late to watch Jon Heder host Saturday Night Live. I believe it is the first time a member of our faith has ever hosted the show. And I don't count Steve Martin or Tom Hanks. Toward the end, a commercial for Burger King came on and it was worse for me than if I'd seen a horror movie before going to bed.
What is with this campaign?! Yikes! A man is riveting the steel of a new sky scraper together, only he's really tired so it's slow going. The person on the other side of his column is riveting like gang busters. After a moment, the gang buster peeks around the column revealing himself as the Burger King. My, what a large head he's got, grandmother! And my, what a large smile! They scare me as no clown has ever scared me. If I looked around a column 20 stories above the earth to see that frightening mug, no doubt I'd give in to my vertiginous tendencies and plummet to my demise, likely breaking every bone in my body on the steel skeleton all the way down.
But this is not the only ad of this variety. What about the lumberjack (and I'm ok)? As his most recent newly dead tree topples, the creature from the golden grease vat pops up offering a meat on top of meat on top of meat breakfast sandwich. Honestly, I'd rather here a banjo playing in the distance than be spooked by the King.
And what does the slogan "Wake up with the King" imply anyway?
Both commercials end with this satanic sovereign jokingly endangering the lives of these new recruits. Yeah, I've got my eye on you, Mr. Burger. You can't fool me with your plastic grin. I can see the evil behind those crinkly eyes! You'll lure the trusting hungry into your false kingdom, only to kill them slowly with ultra processed fast food. Well, not ME, by jove!
Hear this Burger King: your campaign isn't working! I'll be staying away from your monster monarch and your artery clogging repast.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that "meat on top of meat on top of meat sounds like some weird gay orgy!

Hillary said...

Sick, sick, sick.
Now, that's a whole new twist to the King, the Lumberjack, and the riveting Construction worker. (YMCA!)

Suzie Petunia said...

Proof that this ad campaign IS INDEED working: you wrote a post about it and we've all read it AND commented about it!

I've actually laughed out loud at the BK commercials. My favorite is still the original where the guy wakes up to the grinning King right in his own bed. He's just so inexplicably HAPPY!

Emmie said...

Hi, Cotton! Your blog is great! I hate that BK guy. He's even showed up in one of my nightmares!

Anonymous said...

I too have seen the numerous versions of the BK King commercials. Although I haven't thought if they would actually keep me from having a Whopper (my way), but I must admit, I too find him rather CREEPY.
Hey, at least MickyD's had the foresight to put an actual live person behind that stupid grin.

Hillary said...

Suzie, I'm still not patronizing the kingdom.
Also, I'm not eating anything the Clown has to offer either. I saw "Super Size Me."
Emmie, good to hear from you.
Skewed, thanks for droppin' by.

Carina said...

My husband, who is unflappable, is totally flapped by the BK commercial that suzie mentioned. the King gets progressively closer until he's next to a guy's bed. It just freaks DH out.

I find them oddly reassuring. Still not eating there.

Mack Collier said...

"Wake up with The King" is the slogan because BK is going after the breakfast market. And eventually The King will be beloved by all, if you'll notice, the ads are a brilliant case of foreshadowing. The ad starts out, normal person doing normal things, then there's......THE KING! Normal person is freaked out....but wait....all The King wants to do is feed you accept The King, and in every spot you end up laughing with The King! Acceptance! Brilliant!

Hillary said...

So it's a "resistance is futile" kind of scenario??

Anonymous said...

OH NO. Now the King has invaded Monday night football. During a break in the action, there he was, diving after a pass in the end zone. What is with this guy, next thing you know he'll be taking the place of the Verison guy, "Can you SEE me now?"

Hillary said...

The King infiltrating every aspect of our lives. The cotton in the medicine bottles. It's a comunist plot.