Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Preschool Part One

This week I had the profound pleasure of teaching preschool to The Princess and four neighborhood friends. I will have this privilege every five weeks.
Our theme for the week was COLOR.
We sang Rainbows.
"Red and yellow and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too. Listen with your eyes. Listen with your eyes. And sing every thing you see. You can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing along with me."
We planted Rainbows.
We made Rainbows.
sheet squirting
making a rainbowrainbow made
These are such sweet little ones. So curious and full of energy. I even think some of their energy rubbed off on me and I got through the day in better spirits than my amount of sleep would have normally allowed. A friend once said,
"Three year olds are so delicious that they should be dipped in chocolate and sold in department stores during Easter."


Haven said...

Sonora's learning that song in Kindermusik. She started pre-school this week as well. Mondays and Wednesdays. It's a Mommy-and-Me one and it's free. BONUS. :)
These kids are so much fun!!

Haven said...


What's the sheet squirting? and the mold of whatever substance that was?

Haven said...

come to think of it...I think the rainbow song was from preschool! lol...tho she sang it in prism order...

Haven said...

Yes, it's me again...

so how'd you make your blogs tell you how long its been since they posted???

xoxomom said...

Wow, I am getting smarter about blogs thanks to you...found where to leave my comment.
Loved your rainbows, especially the photo of the kids lined up painting one...adorable!
Thanks for sharing your world and reminding me of my past world. Kids are wonderful! Continue to enjoy!!!

hOLLIANN said...

You are still so funny! But no mention of bats...what the? Maybe the next post! I need a good daily bat fix :)