It's kind of like getting baptized or getting married. It's a public admission to a commitment. It makes it more significant. I'm committed to making changes for the better, even if those who know me may call me a hypocrite for all the ways I'm being unfaithful. All I have to say is, it's a process. But just so's you know I'm committed, I hereby
Think the guy in your picture is meant to be her brother or her boyfriend? The same outfit thing is scary!
You are not a hypocrite, just a regular American who has been fed a steady diet of disposibility and petroleum based products your whole life, but is now trying to make changes and do what you can. "What you can" is way better than "too lazy to do anything." Lazy is a really dirty, four-letter word at my house. You are not lazy.
Love you!
Hil I used to buy Turnips for my iguana when I had one. He loved em. I tried tem too they tasted like radishes.
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