Hello, Adoring Public!
(All 27 of you according to my new counter.)
So, yeah, I've been working during the day and having rehearsal at night the last couple of weeks and haven't felt like I had much to say. There's always the New Year's Resolutions, but that might be taking myself too seriously and one of my resolutions this year is to be more light hearted. I think worrying has increased the ugly furrow wrinkle between my brows. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper until, one day, if I'm not careful, I will have a perpetual scowl on my face.
But I'm not going to worry about that!
I'm not going to worry about my children getting colds, either. Cuz, guess what! They go away! And usually just when you think they won't. Last night Moira slept in her crib all night long without a peep! We checked her this morning to make sure she was still alive. She has slept the better part of the last two weeks in our bed, crying out and slamming her legs on the bed every hour or so. But not last night! And, hallelujah! I feel well rested. Sort of. It still wasn't enough to induce me to get out of bed and go running at the Smith Field House. (One of those pesky resolutions I wasn't going to mention.) Tomorrow is another day, right Scarlet?
The other day I went to the mall to have my hair coiffed (and chopped into a bob a la early flapper) and I visited my friend at the Meier and Frank. I decided to ask her for some fashion advice, as I am fashion challenged. I said, "If I were to attend the Sundance Film Festival, what would you put me in?" It's a fantasy I have that people would actually care what I wear to swank event like that. I probably won't actually go this year (performances), but next year, a film I worked on will be all the buzz in Park City! (Ooops! Another resolution snuck out.) And then at least I'll care what I wear because there will be photos taken for Entertainment Weekly, Premier, and People. It's a little bit discouraging to think of though, because there are so many people out there trying to do exactly what I'm trying to do. But I'm not going to worry about that, either! There's room enough for everybody!
So, what would you wear?
CarrieAnn suggested boot cut mid rise jeans with pointy toed high heeled boots and a black sorta sparkly wrap around sweater with a lacy camisole underneath. Do you think I could pull that off?
Of course you could pull it off!
And smokey eyes. You should definately go for sultry.
If you don't mind sharing resolutions, we could resolve to get fashionable this year, together. I got some gift cards for Xmas, and have only bought a pair of black pants and a fitted, button-down shirt, so there is money left to spend (OK, not enough to really do the trick, but it is a start...). What dya say?
I like that idea! And yes you could pull it off. I'll collect all the magazine articles of your successes!
I was not the sister who explained why you don't have your pic up there... is it the money thing? Seem to remember them charging something... anyway, why no pic on imdb? And umm... DUH... course you could pull it off. I like the eye-dea of smokey btb. Yes yes...
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