Today, Moira had her 4 month immunizations. As I held my smiling, cooing, soon to be betrayed infant facing the evil nemisis in the form of a male Latino nurse with bright red scrubs, I had to wonder, as I have many times, with all our technology and scientific advances, why have we not found a nicer way to administer immunizations!?!
So I asked the kind, compentant, and accomodating male Latino nurse in bright red scrubs, why must we traumatize our wee ones with such barbaric practices? Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with and support mass immunization. We are much better off without polio, measles, mumps, rubella, etc., etc., etc. And I also think that those who refuse to immunize their children should be quarantined and given the afformentioned diseases. At best, I think they are ignorant, at worst, selfish and destructive.
But, I digress. Said nurse replied with some nonsense about immunity being in the blood stream and the immunizations being too fragile to be ingested. Ha! I just don't think anyone has tried hard enough to figure out a solution. Either that or it's just another way The Man is gettin' us down!
But what do you think?
Did you really say "wee ones" to the male latino nurse in red scrubs? That's what I want to know.
No, I think I was beligerent and said, "Can't you people find some better way to do this?"
Nice new pink blog.
Thanks. I think it fits my bubbly personality much more!
Did you notice the nice link to you? This template had links already in it.
Thank you for the hope.
Until The Man finds out about these new advancements and has certain people "gotten rid of."
Thank you for the link. I am so flattered. Speaking of flattering--love your new picture too.
Thanks! I think it fits my quirky personality much more!
If you did say "wee ones" I applaud you, because I actually use the term "wee" quite often (that Ireland trip rubbed off on my, I guess) and though I sometimes get funny looks, it is, I believe my favorite word. Try it, everyone! A completely harmless, fun word.
I'm putting a link to Hailey's new blog. She used the term "wee ones." You are not alone.
Plus, I'm glad you've commented.
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